Developmental Domain #5a - Fine Motor: Whole Arm Development


Fine motor development is the ability to control the small movements of the hands and fingers, as well as the small muscles of the face and mouth (tongue) and feet.

For our purposes here, we are only referring to the use of the small muscles in the hands and fingers.

Acquiring basic fine motor skills, leads to the development of more advanced ones requiring precision and control. The development of fine motor skills involves more than the strengthening of hand and finger muscles.  

Fine motor activities usually have a visual motor and cognitive component, so in order for your child to meet his fine motor skill milestones, he must also demonstrate healthy visual motor and cognitive development.

Why is Fine Motor development so important?

Once formal schooling starts, good control of the hand muscles will help your child to learn handwriting with a minimum of effort. Many bright children struggle in the early years because of their great difficulty with pencil control. This issue holds them back from showing what they are really capable of.

When your child has to concentrate on just trying to hold a pencil, there is less brain power to devote to actually learning the work! When a child can write freely and easily, it is easier for him/her to concentrate on writing an amazing essay, or on answering the test questions.


Posted on March 24, 2020 .